目的探讨应用两瓣法腭裂整复术-Bardach术式治疗单侧及双侧腭裂的治疗效果。方法本组腭裂患者共125例,单侧104例,双侧21例,均采用Bardach术式进行腭裂整复术。术后随访半个月至3年,观察伤口愈合,软腭动度及腭咽闭合情况。结果 125例患者手术顺利,除2例穿孔外,其余患者软腭动度良好,腭咽闭合较好。结论Bardach术式治疗先天性腭裂具有安全、出血少、微创、并发症少、近远期效果佳等优点,值得同仁借鉴和推广。
Objective To explore the effect of Bardach procedure in repairing unilateral and bilateral cleft palate. Methods Velopha- ryngeal closure with Bardach procedure had been performed in one hundred and twenty five patients with cleft palate including 104 cases of unilat- eral cleft palate and 21 cases of bilateral cleft palate, and they were evaluated after follow - up for 15 days to 3 years. Bardach and Landolt pro- cedures were compared in complications, wound healing, and degree of movement of soft palate. Results These one hundred and twenty - five patients were smoothly operated, except perforation occurred in 2 cases. Conclusion The repairing of congenital cleft palate with Bardach proce- dure is safe, less bleeding, minimally invasive, less complications and fine short term and long term effect, hence it is worthy to be recommended for clinical application.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine