
我国城乡收入差距扩大成因及变动趋势研究 被引量:1

Study on the Causes and Change Trend of the Expansion of Income Gap between Urban and Rural in China
摘要 当前,学术界对我国贫富分化问题特别是城乡收入差距问题的研究越来越多,并取得了可喜成果。但在现有研究中亦存在一些不容忽视的问题,具体而言就是存在着或以"不患寡但患不均"的传统观念来评判我国的改革成果,或生搬硬套西方所谓基尼系数过分渲染我国贫富差距等倾向。因此有必要对"基尼系数排行"滥用和"倒U假说"误导予以批判,并在揭示我国城乡贫富分化现象的本质和症结所在的基础上给出解决之策。 In the recent years, academic circle researches literatures more and more on the polarization between the rich and the poor and on the expansion of income gap between the urban and rural areas in China have been ever increasing and get brilliant achievements,while there can not be ignored problems, such as the value based inclination in academic discussion, judge the reform achievements of China with traditional idea of "Worry for uneven distribution instead of poor"; over- sensationalize the existing gap with the Western Gini coefficient mechanically,or take an irresponsible attitude of let things drift. In the paper,criticism to the misuse and misleading of Gini Ranking and Inverted U Hypothesis is given, and based on which the author reveals the essence and cruxes of the polarization phenomenon between urban and rural in China, and finally put foreword three major policy suggestions for solving the problems in the future.
作者 韩长江
出处 《经济与管理》 CSSCI 2012年第12期37-40,共4页 Economy and Management
关键词 “三农”政策 城乡收入差距 基尼系数 “倒U假说” Agriculture policy Income gap between urban and rural Gini coefficient Inverted U hypothesis
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