Feng Menglong composed three prefaces for his own novels San Yah. Though each preface focused on one question, they connected closely with and complemented each other, forming Feng's own novel theoretical system. The Prefaces of Ancient and Contemporary Novels first proposed the Popular Romance was originated in the art of speaking, compared to the Tang Dynasty folktales, the Popular Romance language to content are easy for or- dinary people to understand, and to accept and appreciate, playing a greater role in the society. The Preface of Jingshitongyaa explores the relationship between real life and artistic fiction, Feng used the fictional method that the figure does not have to experience such events, and such events do not have to happen to the figure. " Fiction should be composed to the rule that when event is real, the reason should not be pseudo; while the event is pseudo, the reason should also be. true. The story of the novel may be fictional, but historical novel should be based on strict historical facts. The "Preface of Xingshihengyan put forward the "theory of awakening the world," Feng Menglong bitterly felt the turbid and chaos of the late Ming Dynasty, he wanted to use the Popular Romance to alert the world to turn things around. To achieve the purpose of awakening the world, the popular fiction should be created with a good content, but also have to follow the laws of the novel.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University
Feng Menglong
novel theory
real and pseudo
awakening the world