
船舶平面分段的非完全混合流水线调度 被引量:5

Research on non-completely hybrid flow line scheduling of panel block in shipbuilding
摘要 针对船舶平面分段流水线生产中存在的计划不准确、调度滞后、生产效率低等问题,分析平面分段流水线的特点,提出一类非完全混合流水线调度模型,并对该类调度问题进行优化研究。同时,综合考虑非完全混合流水线调度问题的特殊性及船舶建造的复杂性,以分段最大完工时间最小化为优化目标,建立两阶段的非线性整数规划模型,并利用分支定界法优化求解。结合某船厂实际数据进行实例验证和多次数值实验,并与混合遗传算法进行对比。结果表明,该模型和算法能有效解决平面分段流水线调度中存在的问题。 The property of panel block line was analyzed and a new model called non-completely hybrid flow line was developed based on the research of the panel block scheduling problems including inaccurate planning, lagged sched- uling and ineffectiveness. Moreover, by considering both the uniqueness of non--completely hybrid flow line sched- uling problem and the complexity of shipbuilding, a two stage of nonlinear integer programming model with minimi- zing of maximum completion time section as optimization objective. And the model's optimal solution was solved by the branch and bound method. Finally, application data obtained from a shipyard was used to validate the model and carry out series of numerical experiments. The result indicated that the model and arithmetic proposed was an effec- tive method to resolve the scheduling problems existing in panel block line.
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期2435-2445,共11页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70872076) 上海科技创新行动计划资助项目(11dz1121803)~~
关键词 非完全混合 流水线 平面分段 调度 分支定界法 non-completely hybrid flow line panel block scheduling branch and bound method
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