
中性景观模型在景观生态学中的应用和发展 被引量:4

Neutral landscape models in landscape ecology: Application and development
摘要 中性景观模型可以模拟产生大量具有相似统计特征而不包含特定生态过程或自然地理过程的格局,为研究真实景观提供一个参照系统,在大范围景观格局变化研究等方面提供便利。目前,中性景观模型成为景观生态学研究的一种重要方法和手段,已成功应用于检验现有景观指数并发展新的景观指数、景观格局对种群动态影响和干扰过程研究等多个领域。本文介绍了中性景观模型的产生、内涵和类型,阐述了中性景观模型在景观生态学中的应用。同时,展望了中型景观模型研究的发展方向:模型类型趋于多样化,结构趋于复杂化,着重模型模拟结果的验证,以及随着景观生态学理论和实践的发展、结合中性景观模型和景观生态学研究方法,深入地应用于格局和过程两者之间关系的研究。 Neutral landscape models (NLMs) can be served as one of the important tools in landscape ecology to generate a series of patterns with similar statistic characteristics while neg lecting specific ecological or physical geographical processes, providing a reference for exploring real landscape pattern. Recently, NLMs have become an increasingly important role in landscape ecology, and have been used in creating and calibrating landscape metrics and in investigating the effects of landscape patterns on population dynamics and the disturbance processes. This paper reviewed the origin, connotation, and development of NLMs, elaborated on the application of NLMs. Tthe further research should aim, to improve the complexity in the structure of NLMs for examining various real landscapes, to validate the simulation results of NLMs, and to explore the interactions between landscape pattern and processes by incorporating NLMs with other exist ing research methods in landscape ecology.
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期3241-3246,共6页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41271201和31070422) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA05050201)资助
关键词 中性景观模型 景观生态学 格局 生态过程 neutral landscape model landscape ecology pattern ecological process.
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