在酸性黄棕壤上 ,研究了种子钼对冬小麦幼苗NRA(硝酸还原酶活性 )、拔节期地上部干物质重和小麦子粒产量的影响。结果表明 ,不管施钼与否 ,苗期NRA与种子钼含量呈极显著正相关。拔节期地上部干物质重与种子钼含量呈极显著正相关 ,但施钼以后无明显相关性。小麦子粒产量与种子钼含量无显著相关性。种子钼处理 (种子钼加土壤有效钼 )对大多数品种的幼苗NRA、拔节期干物质重和子粒产量 ,均比施钼处理极显著降低。这些表明 ,种子钼对植物体的生长有一定作用 ,但不足以保证冬小麦正常生长发育并获得高产。因此 ,在施钼是在缺钼土壤上矫正缺钼、促进冬小麦生长发育、获得高产的必要措施之一。
The influences of seed molybdenum on nitrate reductase activity(NRA) in seedling stage, shoot dry matter in stem elongation stage and grain yields in harvesting stage were compared with molybdenum application among 34 winter wheat cultivars grown on acid yellow brown earths. Seedling NRA(Table 2) was significantly and postitively correlated with seed molybdenum content(Table 1) regardless of further molybdenum application. The correlation of shoot dry matter in stem elongation stage to seed molybdenum content were also significant under molybdenum deficiency but not after molybdenum application. No significant relationships were observed between grain yields and seed molybdenum. However,seedling NRA, shoot dry matter in stem elongation stage and grain yields for most cultivars(Table 2~4)were significantly decreased on comparing to molybdenum application. These showed that seed molybdenum has some roles in seedling growth, but it was not sufficient to complete the whole life of plant(Table 5). Therefore molybdenum must be applied in order to get satisfactory grain yields from most cultivars.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
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