
联合氯法齐明方案治疗耐多药肺结核的临床研究 被引量:20

Clinical study of combination treatment with clofazimine and others for patients with multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis
摘要 目的:探讨氯法齐明联合其他抗结核药物治疗耐多药肺结核的临床疗效。方法:72例耐多药肺结核患者,随机分为试验组32例和对照组40例,观察治疗6、18个月末痰结核菌阴转率、胸部X线病灶和空洞变化情况等。结果:治疗6个月末试验组的涂阳阴转率、培阳阴转率、病灶显吸率分别为81.3%、84.4%、37.5%,均高于对照组的57.5%、62.5%、15.0%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),其他结果2组无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论:联合氯法齐明方案治疗耐多药肺结核可以提高疗效、缩短疗程,特别是在强化期具有明显的优势。 AIM. To investigate the efficacy of combination treatment with clofazimine and other antituberculosis drugs for patients with multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis. METHODS: 72 cases with multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis were randomly divided into experimental group (n=32) and control group (n=40). The treat- ment effect was observed at the 6th month and 18th month after treatment. RESULTS. 6 months later, the sputum negtive conversion rate in smear and in culture were 81.3% and 84.4% respectively and the rate in X-rays focusabsorption was 37.5%in experimental group, which were significantly higher than those in control treatmen tients wi group. CONCLU t with clofazimine SION. Combination and others for pa th multi-drug-resistant improve the curative effect and s treatment especially in the stage tuberculosis can horten course of strengthened.
出处 《中国临床药理学与治疗学》 CAS CSCD 2012年第11期1268-1271,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
基金 浙江省药学会医院药学科研专项基金项目(2010ZYY 13)
关键词 氯法齐明 耐多药肺结核 疗效 抗结核药物 Clofazimine Multi-drug-resist-ant Tuberculosis Efficacy Antituberculosisdrugs
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