The principles and methods of hemorrheolgy have been widely used to study syndrome of blood stasis and traditional Chinese prescriptions and medicines of activating blood circulation and resolving stagnation. The abnormal parameter of hemorrheology has been considered as one of the important standards for determining syndromes of blood stasis. But the report on th the normal parameters of hemorrheology in the dairy cow has not been found, therefore blood samples from 85 dairy cows (34pregnant cows, 21 empty cows and 30 replacement heifers) were obtained via jugular veins and the blood viscosity (BV), plasma yiscosity(PV), erythrocyte eletrophoretic time (EET), packed cell volume(PCV) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)were measured. The results indicated that the average BV was 0.003962±0.0004023 pa·s (measured by B system of NXE--taper plate model viscometer at high shearing velocity of 384 see^(-1)), but when it was measured by same viscometer at a low shearing velocity of 9.6 sec^(-1), the value was 0.005788±0.001202 pa·s. the average PV (low shearing velocity) EET, PCV, ESR and K value of ESR equation were 0.001913±0.0002904 pa·s, 16.12±2.825 sec, 34.17±3.29%, 5.95±2.48mm/2h and 12.9±5.04 respectively. Statistically, there were no significant differences in BV(low shearing velocity) EET and ESR between adult cows and replacement heifers (P>0.05), whereas significant differences in BV (high cutting speed) And K value of ESR equation(P<0.05) and apparent differeences in PV and PCV(P<0.001) were observed between adult cows and replacement heifers. Between pregnant cows and empty cows there were no significant differences in all of the parameters (P>0.05) measuded in this study.
Dairy Cows, Hemorrheology, syndrome of Blood Stasis, Activating Blood Circulation and Resolving Stagnation.