
膀胱二聚体Cajal间质细胞的超微结构及其对ATP的电反应 被引量:5

Ultrastructure and responses to ATP of dimmer interstitial cells of Cajal in bladder
摘要 目的:为证明膀胱二聚体Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cells of Cajal,ICC)发挥起搏作用提供超微结构和功能学证据。方法:电子显微镜下鉴定组织和培养的豚鼠膀胱二聚体ICC并观察ICC之间的超微联系;体外分离、培养豚鼠膀胱ICC,运用细胞膜片钳技术观察ATP(100μmol/L)刺激下二聚体ICC和单体ICC的兴奋性差别。结果:二聚体ICC中两个ICC细胞胞体紧密相连,细胞之间的间隙小于20 nm,存在大量缝隙连接,局部细胞膜融合,形成联胞体。在ATP(100μmol/L)的刺激下体外培养的二聚体ICC的内向电流幅度为286.9±26.4 pA,显著大于单体ICC的内向电流幅度163.8±18.6 pA(P<0.01)。结论:二聚体ICC具有形成高兴奋起搏电流的超微结构基础,高兴奋性的二聚体ICC可能才是逼尿肌的起搏细胞。 Objective: To confirm dimmer interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) in bladder are pacemaker cells with the ultra- structural and functional evidences. Methods: Dimmer ICC of guinea pig bladder were identified and the contacts be- tween two single cells of dimmer ICC were observed by electron microscopy. The difference of excitability, elicited by ATP (100 I^mol/L), between dimmer ICC and monomer ICC isolated and cultured in vitro, was investigated by using patch clamp technique. Results: Two single cell bodies of dimmer ICC were closely in contact, the gap between the cells is less than 20 nm. There were a large number of gap junctions between two single cells of dimmer ICC. The boundaries were blurred between the local cell membrane. The inward current of dimmer ICC (286.9 + 26.4 pA) , stimulated by ATP ( 100mol/L), was significantly greater than that of monomer ICC ( 163.8 + 18.6 pA, P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusion: Dimmer ICC in bladder have the ultrastructural basis of pacemaker current and are likely to be pacemaker cells to excite detrusor.
出处 《神经解剖学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期617-620,共4页 Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy
基金 国家自然科学基会资助项目(81060064)
关键词 CAJAL间质细胞 起搏细胞 膀胱 豚鼠 interstitial cells of Cajal pacemaker cell bladder guinea pig
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