目的探讨甘露聚糖结合凝集素(MBL)与毛细支气管炎是否具有相关性。方法用ELISA法定量检测50例病例组与50例对照组MBL的血浆水平(ng/ml),并用聚合酶链反应、DNA序列测定法分析其MBL基因第1外显子第52、54、57位密码子的碱基序列。结果 (1)甘露聚糖结合凝集素GTC等位基因频率约为0.135,未见52和57位密码子的点突变;(2)比较病例组、对照组的GTC等位基因频率、血浆水平差异均无统计学意义。结论未发现MBL的基因多态性与毛细支气管炎的易感性有相关性。
Objective To study the distribution of the genetic polymorphism of the marmose-binding lectin (MBL) codon-52,54,57, and approach the correlation between MBL and the bronchiolitis. Methods Serum levels of MBL were measured by ELISA method with human MBL ELISA kit. The genotypes of MBL gene codon-52, 54, 57 were detected by DNA sequences. Results No significant difference had been found in the allele frequency of GTC and MBL serum levels between bronchiolitis group and healthy group. Conclusion The polymorphism of the MBL gene does not associate with bronchiolitis.
Hainan Medical Journal