
首发抑郁症患者自我旋转任务下诱发电位P500研究 被引量:4

An evoked potential (P500) study of self rotation in first-episode depressive disorders
摘要 目的探讨抑郁症的自我旋转能力及其脑电生理机制,进一步了解抑郁症空间认知能力的损害。方法对23例首发抑郁症患者和22名健康对照者进行自我旋转任务下的事件相关电位测定,检测被试者的神经心理学表现和P500的潜伏期、波幅。结果与对照组相比,患者组左手和右手的错误率均升高[(28±5)%vs.(24±4)%,P<0.05;(26±4%)vs.(24±3%),P<0.05],而且左手和右手的反应时也均较对照组延长[(1193.79±53.32)ms vs.(742.62±15.21)ms,P<0.05;(1105.57±51.61)ms vs.(732.10±16.53)ms,P<0.05];患者组左手错误率升高值、反应时延长值均大于右手(P<0.05)。患者组左手、右手的P500波幅均降低[(5.22±2.41)μV vs.(8.28±3.11)μV,P<0.05;(6.79±3.24)μV vs.(8.29±3.41)μV,P<0.05],左右手潜伏期均较对照组延迟[(551.37±45.27)ms vs.(508.22±28.22)ms,P<0.05;(542.74±46.73)ms vs.(507.52±31.48)ms,P<0.05];患者组的左手波幅降低值、潜伏期延迟值均大于右手(P<0.05)。结论首发抑郁症患者自我旋转能力受损提示其信息加工的速度与深度均受损,左手受损程度大于右手,提示左右手加工的生物学机制可能不同。 Objective To explore the electrophysiological mechanisms underlying self rotation and to better understand the impairment of space cognitive ability in depressive disorders. Methods Self rotation tasks were con- ducted on twenty-three patients with first-episode depressive disorders and 22 normal healthy people. Their neuropsy- chological performance and latency and amplitude of P500 were measured during self rotation tasks. Results Compared with normal control group, error rates of the left and right hand were significantly higher [ left hand: (28 ± 5)% vs. (24 ± 4)%, right hand: (26 ± 4)% vs. (24 ± 3)%1, P 〈 0.05); reaction time for left and right hand was significantly longer Ileft hand: ( 1193.79 ± 53.32)ms vs. (742.62 ± 15.21)ms, right hand: ( 1105.57 ± 51.61) ms vs. (732.10 ± 16.53)ms, all P 〈 0.051 in the depression group. The elevated error rate and extended reaction time were higher in the left hand rotation than in the right hand rotation. Compared with control group, latencies in the left and right hand were significantly longer longer[left hand: (551.37 ± 45.27)ms vs. (508.22 ± 28.22) ms, right hand: (542.74 ± 46.73) ms vs. (507.52 ± 31.48)ms, all P 〈 0.051, and volatility in the left and right hand were significantly lower Ileft hand: (5.22 ± 2.41)μV vs. (8.28 ± 3.11)μV, right hand: (6.79 ± 3.24)txV vs. (8.29 ± 3.41 )μV, P 〈 0.051 in the depression group. The prolonged latencies and reduced volatility were more pronounced in the left hand rotation than in the right hand rotation in the depression group. Conclusion This study shows that depressed patients have deficits in self rotation in which the speed and depth of information processing are damaged. The deficits in self rotation were more severe in the left hand than in the right hand, suggesting different mechanisms for the information processing between the left and right hands.
出处 《中国神经精神疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期651-655,共5页 Chinese Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases
基金 军队中医药科研专项课题(编号:10ZYX108)
关键词 首发 抑郁症 自我旋转 事件相关电位 P500 First-episode Depressive disorder Self rotation Event-related potentials PSO0
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