
基于分布式偏好理论的Luce-Suppes难题之消解 被引量:1

Resolution of Luce-Suppes Puzzle Based on Distributed Preference Theory
摘要 传统选择理论因偏好关系的传递性会在实际的选择中面临诸多挑战而遭到质疑,Luce-Suppes难题便是其中的一个有名反例,这足以使传统选择理论离实际的选择越来越远。其实,传统选择理论并没有区分直接的偏好与间接的偏好,这正是其弱点所在。在分布式偏好理论架构下,行动主体做出选择时,分布式偏好(间接偏好)与表达性偏好(直接偏好)都要被考虑且具有不同的作用,质疑传递性的Luce-Suppes难题不再具有挑战性,且能够被分布式偏好合理地解释或消解。其他的一些疑难也能够予以化解,行动主体选择的做出重又回归到了理性的法则之上。 Traditional choice theory has been questioned because transitivity of preference in practical choice faces challenges. Luce-Suppes Puzzle is one of the well-known counter-examples, which makes traditional choice theory deviate from practical choice increasingly. In fact, it is a weakness that traditional choice theory could not distinguish direct preference from indirect one. Under the frame of distributed preference theory, when agent makes a choice, distributed preference (indirect preference ) and expressed preference (direct preference ) are both taken into consideration and have different functions. Luce-Suppes Puzzle questioning transitivity is not a challenge any more, and can be rationally explained or resolved by distributed preference. Other puzzles can also be resolved. Thus, agent' s choice will be based on the principle of rationality again.
作者 王志远
出处 《天津商业大学学报》 2012年第6期39-43,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(11CZX028) 广西民族师范学院引进人才资助项目(XYYJ2010002)
关键词 分布式偏好 Luce—Suppes难题 行动逻辑 决策逻辑 偏好 distributed preference Luce-Suppes Puzzle logic of action logic of decision preference
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