

A Report on the Possibility of Introducing Angora Goat into Sichuan Province
摘要 四川省畜牧局为充分利用本省山地牧草资源,振兴民族地区经济,正蕴酿引种安哥拉山羊到山区去改良当地土种山羊,并立题组成课题组对引种的可行性进行研究。研究内容涉及安哥拉山羊生态适应性观测、四川引种安哥拉山羊适宜地区的探讨等。课题组在查阅了大量国外安哥拉山羊饲养业资料的基础上,对引进到陕西省米脂县的安哥拉山羊进行了生态适应性观测;根据安哥拉山羊对生态条件的要求和四川省各地的生态条件,用差额法确定了引种的适宜地区,最后结合交通等条件,提出了四川引种安哥拉山羊的最适地区。结论表明引种到米脂县的安哥拉山羊基本上能适应当地的生态条件;四川西北部有理县等18个县属于干旱区或半干旱区,具有安哥拉山羊所要求的生态条件,可供引种时选用。结合交通条件考虑,以汶川县的绵池至杂谷脑一带、松潘县的镇江口和黑水的西尔为最佳,建议首先在这些地区尽快引种少量安哥拉山羊作进一步的适应性观测,取得成功后,再推广到其它适宜地区。 In recent years, the Bureau of Animal Husbandry in Sichuan Province (BAHS) has been planing to introduce Angora goat into the mountian areas in North-West Region of Sichuan for improving the native goat, utilizing the grass resources sufficiently and developing the economy in national region. Because the introduction must be set up on a scientific basis, BAHS established a studying subject including the observation on adaptalion of Angora and the analysis on appropriate areas for introducing Angora. BAHS gave this subject to us, since then we consulted a lot of literature on forgienAngora feeding industry, after absorbing the successful experience and the lesson of failure about introduction of other countries, we surveyed the adaptation of Angora introduced into Mi-Zi County in Shanxi Province practically and investigated the altitude, rain capacity, aridity, grass resources and vegetational type of the North-West Region in Sichuan for inquiring into appropriate areas of the introduction of angora goat. This paper is the summary of above-mentioned task. We consider that the Angora goats introduced into Mi-Zhi County are able to adapt themselves to the new environment. There are 18 counties in North-West Region of Sicbuan possessing the ecological factors that are necessary to the Angora goat and could be selected for the introduction. Among these counties, the zone extending from Mianchi to Zagunao in Li county, the Zhenjiangkou in Songpan County and the Xier in Heishui County Are more suitable than others for the introduction. We propose that BAHS may introduce a small amount of Angora into these areas as soon as possible for further observation, if they are adaptable, the more Angora goats may be introduced into other adequate areas.
出处 《西南民族学院学报(畜牧兽医版)》 1990年第3期99-107,114,共10页
关键词 安哥拉山羊 引种 四川 生态适应性 Angora Goat, Ecological Adaptation,Introduction.
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