
国内外生物安全隔离区建设概况 被引量:6

Progress on Compartment Construction on Domestic and Foreign Countries
摘要 生物安全隔离区在重大动物疫病防控和促进动物及动物产品国内外贸易中发挥的重要作用,已被越来越多的国家认可。论文系统介绍了世界动物卫生组织(OIE)有关生物安全隔离区划政策的发展演变过程,简述了生物安全隔离区国内外建设进展情况,为我国进一步推进生物安全隔离区建设提供参考。 Compartment construction plays an important role on controlling disease and facilitating international trade , which has been accepted by more and more countries. This article review the main course of OIE's compartmentalization implementation, and gave some summaries in compartment construction on domestic and foreign countries, so as to provide reference to Chinese compartment construction.
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期178-182,共5页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
基金 农业部"动物疫情监测与防治"项目(2130108)
关键词 生物安全隔离区 建设 进展 compartment construction development
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