随着相关技术的飞速发展,高分辨率卫星遥感影像越来越多地用于地理信息产品生产。本文通过生产试验,讨论在已有DEM数据的前提下,利用少量地面控制点结合卫星影像自带的轨道参数,依靠卫星影像单片区域网平差技术来生产1:50000 DOM产品,以解决地面控制点数量不足、分布不好的问题。试验结果产品精度满足规范要求。
With the rapid development of relevant technologies,high resolution satellite remote sensing images are used for geoinformation products production.Through the practical experiment,this paper discusses the production of 1:50000 DOM depending on area adjustment technique of single image satellite images with existing DEM and some GCPs and orbital parameters to solve the problem of insufficiency and bad distribution of GCPs.The accuracy of results satisfied the specifications.
Beijing Surveying and Mapping