单个资本数量有限与生产资本最低额不断提高的矛盾是股份制产生的直接原因。股份制为经济发展迅速筹集大量资本 ,有利于吸收和培养优秀经理人才 ,促进了社会生产力的发展 ,但也具有产生食利者阶层 。
The direct cause of the appearance of the stock system is the contradiction between limited amount of single capital and the continuous increase of the lowest sum of production capital.Stock system has produced a large amount of capital for the rapid economic development and accelerated the development of social productive force,but it has also negative effects on producing a new class living on interests,assisting the profiteering and swindling activities,etc.
Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Social Science Edition)