

A Probe intoAmerica's Post Cold War Strategy towards the Great Lake Region in Africa
摘要 本文着重分析了美国自1994年卢旺达大屠杀及刚果民主共和国两次战争的无作为到目前积极帮助乌干达清剿上帝抵抗军(LRA)的行为转变过程,指出美国转变大湖地区政策的主要原因是美国全球战略的逐步形成及追求全球领导权的需要,大湖地区本身所具备的地缘政治优势和地区民族矛盾及冲突日益复杂使之更容易介入。同时,本文对未来美国在大湖地区的战略前景做出分析,认为美国在推行这一地区民主化政策的同时,不得不面对引起该地区可能再一次陷入混乱的风险。 This article analyzed the change of America's attitude from indifference to the Rwanda genocide in 1994 and the two civil wars in DRC to an active involvement in fighting the LRA in Uganda,and pointed out the reasons for America's change of policy toward the great lake region,which include that America's global strategy is emerging,it is in pursuit of global leadership and the local ethnic contradiction and conflict make it easy for the U.S.to enter this region of geopolitical importance.
作者 王春燕
出处 《亚非纵横》 2012年第6期28-33,39,共7页 ASIA & AFRICA REVIEW
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