江泽民同志是我党第三代领导集体的核心 ,他特别重视新闻出版工作在两个文明建设中的作用。他强调新闻出版工作要有大局观 ,坚持党性原则 ,对党负责 ,对人民负责 ,对历史负责 ,对下一代负责 ;指出新闻出版工作要树立精品意识 ,“要多出精品” ,把社会效益放在首位 ;提出新闻出版工作要消除陈旧观念 ,要有“
Jiang Zemin, the president of the third generation of Chinese Communist Party,pays special attention to the importance of publication work in China's two civilizations. He emphasizes that publication must have an overall point of view,stick to the Party's principles, and be responsible to the Party,to people to history and to the future.He points out that publication must strive for excellent works——having more master pieces, must put the social benefit in the first place. He calls the publication workers to get rid of the old ideas and to set up the style of pioneering.
Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))