
煤炭中胶红酵母的分离及对煤的表面改性作用 被引量:6

Isolation of rhodotorula mucilaginosa from coal and the characteristics as coal surface modifier
摘要 以神华宝日希勒褐煤为分离源,筛选分离得到一株能够有效改变煤表面特性的菌株SMC221,并研究其对肥煤和尾煤的作用特性。菌株鉴定结果表明SMC221为胶红酵母(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa)。与传统疏水性草分枝杆菌相比,SMC221对煤表面的改性作用更强:SMC221可选择性地吸附于煤表面,在pH值3~5时,肥煤与SMC221细胞之间发生强烈的静电相互作用,肥煤疏水性变大,浮选选择性增强;对尾煤则是通过菌体架桥作用促使尾煤向不稳定体系转移。菌体细胞对煤的附着正交试验表明,影响附着量的因素依次为:pH值>煤样粒度>接触时间>菌液浓度,其中pH值决定了细胞与煤表面带电性的差异;当SMC221浓度为150×10-6时,肥煤浮选回收率为75%,尾煤絮凝回收率为94%。 A strain designated SMC221 which was screened and separated from Shenhua Baorixile lignite can effectively change the coal surface characteristics.The characteristics which interacted with fat coal and trail coal were evaluated.Strain identification results show that the strain SMC221 is Rhodotorula mucilaginosa.Compared to traditional hydrophobic Mycobacterium phlei,SMC221 has stronger surface improving effects.The results of zeta potential and contact angle of coal samples show that SMC221 can selectively adsorb onto the surface of coal.In the pH range of 3~5,the strong electrostatic between fat coal and SMC221 cell caused the fat coal to be more hydrophobic,which could enhance the flotation efficiency of fat coal.The effect of SMC221 cell on trail coal is to make the coal aggregate transfer to an unstable system such as compact flocs through bacteria bridges.Cell adsorbing capacity on the coal surface was measured through orthogonal experiment,and the results show that the order of influence factors is pH coal particle sizecontact timeconcentration of bacilli.The pH determines the charging difference between cell and surface of coal.When the concentration of SMC221 is 150×10-6,the flotation recovery rate of fat coal reaches 75%,and the flocculation recovery rate of trail coal reaches 94%.
出处 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第A02期478-484,共7页 Journal of China Coal Society
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)资助项目(2009AA05Z316) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)资助项目(2012CB214901)
关键词 胶红酵母 表面改性 微生物 生物浮选 生物絮凝 rhodotorula mucilaginosa surface modification microorganism bioflotation bioflocculation
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