文章以《白鹿原》这一成功的现实主义小说文本为切入点 ,针对当下小说 ,尤其是现实主义小说创作存在的问题 ,从创作方法和可读性两方面剖析了《白鹿原》成功的原因及它给当下小说创作提供的启示。文章认为 ,现实主义作为一种创作方法并不象有的论者所说的那样已成为一种“过时”的方法。相反 ,它所追求的细节描写的真实性、人物塑造的典型化 ,以及情节的生动性与丰富性 ,不仅依然充满着生机与活力 ,而且正好可以弥补当代小说创作中存在的一些不足。同时 ,现实主义必须自我发展 ,放开艺术视野 ,博采各家之长 ,才能更好地回应新形势的挑战。
By focusing on the successful realistic novel White Deer Plain and the problems associated with the realistic writings of contemporary China, this paper offers an analysis of the success of White Deer Plain with its theme of the apocalypse and the relation to contemporary Chinese literature. The paper places particular attention on creative method and readability. The paper demonstrates that Realism as a technique is not out of date as some scholars have characterized. On the contrary, some of the features of Realism, such as verisimilitude, the typicalisation of the characters, and the vividness and variation of the plot, are not only exuberant but provide a source of replenishment for contemporary fictions. Throughout this study, the paper argues that Realism itself can not face up to the challenge of the contemporary, except that it undergoes self development, enlarges its artistic vision and absorbs nutrition from other literary schools as well.