

Construction of Decision Making Model of Employee Voice
摘要 围绕员工"是否进言"与"是否持续进言"两个决策点展开研究,结合计划行为理论,探讨了进言产生的前因后果。研究从进言动机入手,梳理了员工进言的决策路径,揭示出领导对决策的重要影响。文章还特别强调"持续进言",并将其纳入进言决策模型,从而构建了员工进言决策的闭合路径。最后通过对197名企业工作者的问卷调研,初步验证了这一进言决策模型。 This paper focused on the two decision points, which are"whether to voice" and "whether to voice constantly'and discussed the causes and consequences of voice, combined with the theory of planned behavior. And what's more, by starting with the research on motivation of voice, the decision making path had been made clear and the important influence of leadership on decision making had been figured out.Specifically, we put emphasis on the "constant voice" and integrated it into the voice decision making model. Thus, a closed path model of the employee voicing behavior was constructed. Finally, a survey of 197 employees confirmed the validity of the decision-making model.
出处 《上海管理科学》 CSSCI 2012年第6期40-45,共6页 Shanghai Management Science
关键词 进言 决策模型 计划行为理论 领导 Voice Decision making model Theory ofplanned behavior Leadership
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