
两个推测的染色质重塑腺苷三磷酸酶基因功能冗余地调控拟南芥种子和胚胎发育 被引量:2

Two Putative Chromatin-Remodeling ATPases Play Redundant Roles in Seed and Embryo Development of Arabidopsis
摘要 种子及胚胎发育是被子植物个体发育的重要起始阶段,相关调控基因的阐明将有助于认识种子及胚胎发育的分子机制。预测同源基因CHR12和CHR23编码拟南芥依赖于ATP的染色质重塑核心组分——腺苷三磷酸酶。T-DNA插入缺失突变体鉴定、遗传杂交及转基因实验表明,两个基因同时缺失阻滞种子的正常发育;胚胎发育进程显微观察表明,与野生型及各自单缺失突变体相比,双重缺失突变体的胚胎发育停滞到了心形胚后期或鱼雷胚早期。这表明CHR12和CHR23在拟南芥种子及胚胎发育过程中功能冗余地发挥着重要调控作用。 The research on the key regulating genes will help to detect the molecular mechanism in develop- ment of seed and embryo, the first stage of angiosperm ontogeny. Two highly homologous genes, CHR12 and CHR23, were predicted to code chromatin-remodeling core ATPase in Arabidopsis. The data, from T-DNA in- serted mutants, genetic cross and transgenic rescue experiments, indicated that chr12chr23, double loss-of- function mutants of CHRI2 and CHR23, resulted in seed defect. Further microscopical observation about the process of embryo development showed that the embryo of chr12chr23 only develop into heart-stage and early torpedo-stage. All these data suggest CHR12 and CHR23 play redundant roles in the developmental process of Arabidopsis seed and embryo.
出处 《植物生理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期1084-1090,共7页 Plant Physiology Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31171170) 河北省科技厅重点基础研究项目(10960121D)
关键词 拟南芥 CHR12 23 种子和胚胎发育 Arabidopsis thaliana CHR12/23 seed and embryo development
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