
异步轧制驱动的等通道转角大应变技术 被引量:1

Equal Channel Angular Large Strain Technology Under Asynchronous Rolling-driven
摘要 针对同步轧制驱动等通道转角大应变技术中主动轮扭矩与总扭矩之比过大的问题,采用有限元软件Defrorm-3D研究了异步轧制对轧制驱动等通道转角大应变技术的影响,分析了工件的大应变过程。结果表明:采用下轮比上轮转速低的异步轧制驱动,能够降低主动轮扭矩;与同步轧制驱动相比,可有效缓解主动轮扭矩与总扭矩之比过大这一现象,但其产生的有效应变有所降低。当下轮的转速在0.1rad/s或以下时,工件的形貌较为光整;反之工件表面则出现严重的凹凸不平,甚至出现局部开裂现象。在对称转速下,当下轮比上轮的转速低时,装置的能耗特性低。 Aiming at the problem that the ratio of driving wheel torque and total torque is too large in the synchronous rolling-driven equal channel angular large strain technology, the effect of asynchronous rolling-driven on equal angular channel large strain technology was researched by using the finite element software Deform-3D. And the large deformation process of workpieces was analyzed. The results show that asynchronous rolling-driven can reduce the torque of driving wheel when the bottom wheel rotate is slower than the top wheel; comparing with synchronous rolling-driven, the phenomenon that ratio of driving wheel torque and total torque is too large can be alleviated effectively,but its effective strain is reduced. When the angular velocity of bottom wheel is 0.1 rad /s or less, workpiece topography is smooth: otherwise the surface is seriously uneven or even partial breakage. Under symmetrical speed, the feature of energy consumption is low when the bottom wheel rotate is slower than the top wheel.
出处 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第23期81-84,共4页 Hot Working Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51074079)
关键词 异步轧制驱动 大应变 有限元模拟 asynchronous rolling-driven large strain finite element simulation
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