Complete maturation of oocyte includes both nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation. At present, expulsion of the first polar body is known as the marker of oocyte nuclear maturation. Expansions of granulose cells and oocyte-corona-cumulus complex synchronize with the maturation of ooeyte nuclei following the maturation of oocyte in the natural cycle. However, the expansion of oocyte-corona-cumulus complex and nuclear maturation are not synchronized due to disturbance of exogenous gonadotropins in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) cycles. The status of expansion of oocyte-corona-cumulus complex can not be used to estimate the maturation of oocyte maturation in COH cycles. The morphology characteristics of oocyte, migration of cortical granules and relative factors such as GDF9, BMP15 etc. can not monitor cytoplasmic maturation fast and directly. In COH cycles, fertilization rate, cleavage rate, pregnancy rate and implantation rate display a rising trend along with the increased proportion of matured oocytes. The rate of available embryos from the oocytes with large follicular diameter is higher than that from the oocytes with small follicular diameter. Oocyte maturation rate and fertilization rate decrease but the fragments in embryos increase along with the reduction of follicular diameter. However, the diameter of dominant follicle does not reflect overall situation of follicular development in ovary. A group of follicles on behalf of the development syncrlromzauon oi totttt lul,tulco a COH. The "object follicles" determine the trigger time of hCG. In vitro investigations of mouse embryos also confirm that cultured oocyte in vitro for some time after hCG injection plays an important role in the maturation of oocyte nuclei and cytoplasm, where higher proportion and quicker speed ~of pronuclei development can be acquired after fertilization or artificial activation. High-quality embryo rate and pregnancy rate increase and abortion rate decreases after ooeytes cultured in vitro for 3 to 5 hours before fertilization. In conclusion, expulsion of the first polar body could be taken as a marker of oocyte nuclear maturation while there is not a definite marker of cytoplasmic maturation. The synchronization of oocyte nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation influences clinical results of IVF; and the development of follicular group affects oocyte maturation and the proportion of matured oocytes.
Journal of Reproductive Medicine
Controlled ovarian stimulation
Nuclear maturation
Cytoplasmic maturation
Oocytes (J Re,rod Med 2012,21(6) :533-535)