以长期热诱导建立了一种绿球藻(Chlorococcum infusioum)的嗜温品系,简称CTCS。在PBS(磷酸缓冲液)中的CTCS细胞提取液明显促进H_4肝癌细胞株在DME培养基和0.5%FSB(胎牛血清)中的生长。当CTCS提取液蛋白质浓度为12.4微克/毫升时,可使H_4肝癌细胞数量在6天中比对照(不加CTCS提取液)增加12.5倍。
A thermophilic strain (CTCS)of CHlorococcum infusium, a unicellular green algae, has been established by long-term thermic inducement. Extracts of CTCS in PBS promote the growth of hepatoma H4 cells in DME medium supplemented with low levels (0.5%) of fetal bovine serum. The active com-ponent is apparently a polypeptide of molecular weight 3500-8000 and it causes a 12.5-fold increase in cell numbers at a concentration of 12.4μg/ml of extract protein.