
供应链间Stackelberg博弈下纵向结构决策模型 被引量:12

The decision model of vertical structure under Stackelberg game among supply chains
摘要 以两条包含一个制造商和一个零售商的供应链为研究对象,讨论了两供应链采用不同决策结构时链间Stackelberg博弈问题,并对链间博弈四种决策结构(分散—分散、分散—集中、集中—分散、集中—集中)进行比较分析。研究结果表明,1)对于领导者供应链来说,集中决策是其占优策略;2)对于追随者供应链来说,采用集中决策还是分散决策,则取决于产品可替代性的高低和领导者供应链的选择;3)当产品替代度较低时,集中—集中结构是链间单次和多次重复博弈的均衡解;当产品替代度较高时,集中—分散结构是链间单次博弈均衡解,而分散—分散结构则是多次重复博弈均衡策略。 By taking two supply chains as a research object, each of them containing one manufacturer and one retailer, the prob- lem involving Stackelberg game is discussed, when two supply chains adopt different decision structures, respectively. In particu- lar, four decision structures between these two supply chains are analyzed, including the structures of decentralized -decentral- ized, decentralized - centralized, centralized - decentralized, centralized - centralized. It is found that ( l ) centralized decision is the dominate strategy for the leader supply chain ; ( 2 ) as for the follower supply chain, whether adopting centralized decision or decentralized decision, it is depended on the substitutability degree of products and the selection of the leader supply chain ; ( 3 ) when the substitutability degree of product is low, the structure of centralized - centralized is the equilibrium solution of single and repeat games ; and when the substitutability degree of product is high, the structure of centralized - decentralized is the equi- librium solution of single game ; while the structure of decentralized - decentralized is the equilibrium solution of repeat games.
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第12期50-58,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70971041:2010-2012 71072165:2011-2013)
关键词 多供应链 价格竞争 决策 STACKELBERG博弈 multi- supply chains price competition decision Stackelberg game
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