
电化学合成臭氧技术的研究动态 被引量:4

Review on Electrochemical Synthesis of Ozone
摘要 臭氧/催化臭氧化技术在给水处理、污水深度处理以及难降解废水的处理中引起了广泛关注。传统的臭氧使用方法是将由氧气生成的气相臭氧溶入水中而得以应用。为了使臭氧更好的应用于水处理领域,采用电化学方法直接从水溶液中合成臭氧的技术近年来受到关注并得到重要发展,该技术设备简单,且能避免传统的气相合成臭氧技术的氮氧化物污染和臭氧的气/液转移损失,电极材料的发展和反应器系统的优化是推动此技术应用的关键。文章介绍了电化学合成臭氧技术的基本原理及其研究动态,重点评述了用于该技术的不同电极材料及其研究应用现状,同时也分析了电化学合成臭氧反应器的发展情况,指出了目前电化学合成臭氧技术存在的主要问题和研究重点,并对该技术的发展前景进行了展望。 Ozonation and catalytic ozonation have received much attention in water and wastewater treatment especially for waters and wastewaters containing non-biodegradable pollutants. Conventional application of ozone in water treatment is using gaseous ozone which is synthesized from oxygen and gaseous ozone must be dissolved into water. Electrochemical synthesis of ozone is simple in structure and operation, which can produce dissolved ozone directly by water electrolysis, and thus eliminate any possibility of nitrogen oxide formation and avoid the loss and decay during transfer from gaseous ozone to dissolved ozone which is always existed in conventional ozone generation process. The effectiveness of electrochemical synthesis of ozone depends critically on electrode materials and reactor design. Current research of electrochemical synthesis of ozone, including application and research advance of electrode materials and development of reactors were reviewed. Main problem and prospects of electrochemical synthesis of ozone were also discussed.
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期108-113,共6页 Environmental Science & Technology
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51008139)
关键词 臭氧 电化学 电极材料 反应器 水处理 ozone electrochemistry electrode materials reactor water treatment
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