
凝析气藏氟碳气湿反转剂FC-1的室内研究 被引量:7

Laboratory Study of a Novel Fluorocarbon Gas-Wetting Reversal FC-1 for Condensate Gas Reservoir
摘要 本文采用核壳乳液聚合法制备了一种氟碳气湿反转剂FC-1,采用红外光谱表征了共聚物的结构,对FC-1处理前后岩心的接触角、表面能谱、扫描电镜和透射电镜等表征。结果表明:FC-1为含氟丙烯酸酯共聚物。FC-1对岩石有良好的气湿反转能力,处理后的岩心表面由强亲液转变为疏油疏水的中性气湿。经10%FC-1溶液处理并经100℃热处理12 h后的岩心,蒸馏水在其表面的接触角最高可达124.98°,正十六烷在其表面的接触角可达84.69°,表面能降低至8.33 mJ/m2。 A fluorocarbon gas-wetting reversal FC-1 was developed in this paper by core-shell emulsion polymerization, and the structure of FC-1 was confirmed by infra-red (IR) spectrum. The measurement of contact angle (CA) and surface energy spectrum, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) of the cores treated with FC-1 were carried out. The IR results confirmed that the fluoroacrylate copolymer was obtained. The results of CA, surface energy, SEM and TEM proved that the laboratory gas-wetting effect of FC-1 was superior. When the cores were treated by 10% FC-1 and heat-treatment of 100℃ for 12 h, the wettability of the treated cores converted from strong liquid-wetting into intermediate gas-wetting. The contact angles of distilled water and hexadecane on the surface of the treated cores, was up to 124.98° and 84.69° respectively, and the rock surface energy reduced to 8.33 mJ/m^2.
出处 《油田化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期435-438,456,共5页 Oilfield Chemistry
基金 国家自然科学杰出青年科学基金项目"多孔介质油气藏气润湿性基础理论研究"(项目编号50925414) 国家科技重大专项"复杂结构井优化设计与控制关键技术"(项目编号2011ZX05009-005-03A)
关键词 凝析气藏 气湿反转剂 含氟共聚物 表面能 condensate gas reservoir gas-wetting reversal fluoroacrylate copolymer su^Cace energy
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