
观念主义:苏联后现代主义文学的诗学 被引量:1

Conceptualism as Poetics of Soviet Postmodernist Literature
摘要 后现代主义的苏俄变体形式越来越获得国际学界承认。它被认可,不单是因为出现了大量的后现代主义作家作品,更重要的是,这些作品形成了自己的诗学特征,即观念主义:一种有别于西方解构理性主义、把现代主义美学生活化、文化生产和消费成为大众生活的后现代主义叙事。它借用苏俄官方话语、概念和表述方式,实际上是要消解官方强大的意识形态功能。 It is well recognized in the international academia that there exists a Russian-Soviet variation of postmodernism. Conceptualism has achieved recognition mainly because it has become a feature of the literary texts of many Soviet postmodern writers. Soviet coneeptualism is different from Western postmodernism, which deconstrncts rationalism and popularizes cultural production and consumption. In fact, Soviet conceptualism deconstructs the Soviet ideology and its powerful social functions. Writers borrow it from Soviet official discourses, concepts and narrations. Soviet eonceptualism is a special variation of postmodernist poetics distinguished from Western literature and art.
作者 林精华
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期21-29,共9页 Foreign Literatures
关键词 观念主义 后现代主义 苏联文学 conceptualism, postmodemism, Soviet literature
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  • 1N. Shneidman, Russian Literature, 1988 - 1994 : The End of an Era ( Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995 ), p. 173.
  • 2Sergey Kuzentsv, " Postmodernism in Russia", in International PoJtmodernism Theory and Literary Practice, eds. H. Bertens and D. Fokkema ( Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1997), 456.
  • 3Arthur Danto, Mark Tansey: Visions and Revisions (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. , 1992), p. 7.
  • 4о. Богданова. Постмодернизм в контексте современной русской лuтературы (60 - 90 - е годы хх века - начало хх века) (СПб: СпБГУ. 2004). С. 449.
  • 5Т. Казарииа, Три эпохи русского литературного авангарда (эволюция эстemиче"'ux nринциnов) (Самар: Самарский университет, 2004), С. 413.
  • 6Mark Lipoversky, Russian Postmodernist Fiction : Dialogue with Chaos (Armonk, NY : M. E. Sharpe, 1999), p. 12, p. 8.
  • 7Даниил Хармс, Избранное (WUrzburg: Jal-verlag, 1974) , С. 102.
  • 8Fokkema & Bertens eds. , Approaching Postmoderniam (Amsterdam. John Benjamings, 1986), pp. 157-184.
  • 9Ihab Hassan, The Postmodernism Turn: Essays in Postmodern Theory and Culture (Columbus: Ohio State University, 1987), p. 88.
  • 10Boris Groys, The Total Art of Stalinism: Avant-Garde, Aesthetic Dictatorship and Beyond (New Jersy: Princeton University Press, 1992) , pp. 56 -74.








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