
密尔的功利主义如何成为生命伦理学自主原则的理论基础 被引量:1

The Theoretical Base on Which Mill's Utilitarianism Became the Principle of Bioethics
摘要 自主原则之所以成为生命伦理学的四大原则之首,最主要的原因之一,就是人们为了保护和促进患者或受试者的最佳利益。而密尔的伦理思想成为了该观点的辩护理由。密尔认为个人是自己最佳利益的最高主权者。这种强调效果的观点,丰富着生命伦理学中自主理论的理解,符合了人类医疗实践中的经验。但正如任何理论落实到现实都可能存在不能克服的困难一样,密尔的伦理思想因太过于强调后果以及难以解决功利与正义之间的道德冲突,而导致了以此为基础的生命伦理学的自主原则在实践中面临不少困难。 One of the most important reasons of the autonomy principle has become a fist of the four principles of bioethics that it is to protect and promote the best interests of patients or subjects.Mill's ethical thought suggests some justification on this view.Mill considers that the individuals are the highest sovereign of their own best interests,and he emphasizes the result,which riches the understanding of the theory of autonomy in bioethics,corresponding to the experience of human medical practice.However,like any other theory,it may have unresolvable difficulties in reality,the bioethical autonomy principle,which based on Mill's ethical thought will face difficulties,because of his excessive emphasis on the result and his incapability to settle the moral conflict between utility and justice.The significance of this paper is to reveal that any theory cannot be simply applied to medical practice,and the only solution to the problem is that we must,according to the specific situation,act from the bottom to the top.
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第12期27-31,159,共5页 Academic Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学项目"基于患者自主权的医患关系研究"(11YJC720065) 广东省软科学项目"基于患者自主权的医疗责任理论研究"(2011B070300107)的阶段性成果
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