
变截面压杆对应变式压杆压力传感器测量影响研究 被引量:3

Study on effect of variable cross-section pressure bar on measurement of strain pressure bar pressure sensor
摘要 用数值模拟的方法对应变式压杆压力传感器系统进行仿真,研究压杆的变截面对应变式压杆压力传感器测试结果的影响;数值模拟了不同上升前沿的梯形脉冲和三角形脉冲条件下变截面压杆的响应误差。与非变截面压杆相比,变截面压杆的应力波幅值和波形均发生了很大变化,无论梯形脉冲还是三角形脉冲,变截面压杆的应力波幅值都要降低。模拟结果对实验测试结果的分析有一定参考价值。 The numerical simulation method is applied to analyze the pressure bar system. The effect of the variable section on the pressure bar is studied. With numerical simulation, the response of different rising front of trapezium impulse and triangle impulse is studied. Compared with the non-variable section bar,the amplitude and waveform of stress wave has been altered greatly in the variable section bar. Regardless of the trapezoidal pulse or triangular pulse, stress wave amplitude should be decreased in the variable section bar. The simulation results have certain reference value for analysis on experimental result.
作者 宜晨虹 胡杨
出处 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期73-75,共3页 Transducer and Microsystem Technologies
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11003131)
关键词 反射超压 应变 应力波 压杆 reflected over pressure strain stress wave pressure bar
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