
从叙词表编制标准看叙词表和其他受控词表的互操作 被引量:3

From the Compilation Standard of Thesaurus to View the Interoperability Between Thesaurus and the Other Controlled Vocabularies
摘要 受控词表是分类表、叙词表、可检词单、同义词环、术语表、名称规范文档等的集合。由于主题词表、叙词表、分类表和网络分类法等存在多种语言和多种信息组织的方式,使检索变得尤为困难。为了提高检索效率,就需要实现叙词表和其他词表之间的互操作。文章通过对国际、美国和英国的叙词表编制标准中叙词表与其他词表互操作规则的研究,总结出叙词表编制标准中叙词表与其他受控词表互操作的发展方向,为我国叙词表编制标准关于叙词表和其他词表互操作内容的制定提供参考。 Controlled vocabulary is the aggregation of classification table, thesaurus, retrievable word list, synonym ring, glossary, name standard document and so on. Due to the fact that the subject word table, thesaurus, classification table and network classification method have many languages and many information organization approaches, the retrieval becomes especially difficult In order to improve the retrieval efficiency, it's necessary to realize the interoperability between thesaurus and the other controlled vocabularies. By studying the rules of interoperability between thesaurus and the other controlled vocabularies in the international, US and British thesaurus compilation standards, this paper summarizes the development direction of the interoperability between thesaurus and the other controlled vocabularies in the thesaurus compilation standard, and provides references for the specification of the content of interoperability between thesaurus and the other controlled vocabularies in the thesaurus compilation standard in China.
作者 张琳 宋文
出处 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第12期63-67,共5页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
关键词 叙词表 受控词表 编制标准 互操作 thesaurus controlled vocabulary compilation standard interoperability
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