
SA-BFSN:一种自适应基于密度聚类的算法 被引量:3

SA-BFSN:adaptive algorithm based on density clustering
摘要 针对BFSN算法需要人工输入参数r和λ的缺陷,提出了一种自适应确定r和λ的SA-BFSN聚类方法。该方法通过Inverse Gaussian拟合判断r参数,通过分析噪声点数量的分布特征选择合适的λ值。算法测试表明,使用SA-BFSN无需人工输入参数,能够实现聚类过程的全自动化,能够有效处理任意形状、大小和密度的簇。 Algorithm for BFSN defects that require manual input parameters r and λ, an adaptive SA-BFSN clustering method that can automatically determine r and λ is proposed. The method determines r by Inverse Gaussian fitting parameters, and by analyzing the distribution of the number of noise points to select the appropriate value of λ. Algorithm tests show that use of SA-BFSN doesn't need human input parameters, to achieve full automation of the clustering process, to deal effectively with any shape, size and density of the cluster.
机构地区 空军航空大学
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2012年第36期186-189,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 数据挖掘 密度聚类 基于广度优先搜索邻居的聚类算法(BFSN) 自适应基于广度优先搜索邻居的聚 类算法(SA-BFSN) data mining density clustering Broad First Search Neighbors (BFSN) Self-Adaptive Broad First Search Neighbors(SA-BFSN)
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