目的了解武汉市江汉区部分居民主要调味品的消费情况,提供江汉区居民主要调味品消耗量的基础数据,为制定切合实际的社区居民控油、控盐等干预策略提供依据。方法抽取武汉市江汉区部分居民,对调查人群进行询问调查、膳食调查。采用Epidata 3.1软件建立数据库,用SPSS 17.0统计软件进行分析。结果调味品消费情况称重组192户,询问调查组150户。武汉市江汉区居民烹调用油以调和油为主,其次是植物油,玉米油、芝麻油等;烹调油和食盐每人日摄入量超过《中国居民膳食指南》推量的比例分别为称重组54.7%和48.4%,调查组76.7%和20.0%。结论武汉市江汉区有较大比例居民烹调油与食盐的消耗量大于中国居民膳食指南中推荐量,应进一步加强营养健康教育宣传。
Objective To understand the consumption of main condiments among urban residents in Jianghan district of Wuhan,and provide evidence for developing strategy to intervene their intake of edible oil and table salt. Methods Lo- cal residents in 192 households in urban Jianghan district were investigated with questionnaire by face-to-face interview, and all the data were input in the database with Epi - Data version 3.1 software and analyzed with SPSS versionl7.0 software. Results Consumption of condiments was surveyed by weighing method for 192 households and by interview method for 150 households. Urban residents surveyed in Jianghan mainly used blend oil for cooking and a few people used vegetable oils for cooking,including corn oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, etc. The proportion of edible oil and table salt per person per day more than the recommended amount of the Dietary Guidelines were said reorganization of 54.7% and 48.4%, 76.7% and 20. 0% of the survey group respectively. Conclusions A large proportion of the residents in urban Jianghan district, Wuhan city consumed excessive edible oil and table salt than the recommended dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, suggesting that health education of nutrition knowledge should be strengthened.
Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine