
MMCS的心理测量学性能及中国大学生心理控制源的特点 被引量:9

Psychometric Properties of Chinese Edition MMCS and the Characteristics of Chinese Students' Locus of Control
摘要 对某民族大学 4070 名学生测试了 MMCS 量表。发现 MMCS 的信度与国外基本相同,验证性因素分析表明在分解出正向和反向陈述效应后 MMCS 呈现出较好的模型拟合度。对 8 个分量表总分的因素分析发现了清晰的因素结构,与理论假设非常符合。说明中国人也存在内外控的心理结构。但内控和外控并不是独立的两极,而是相关的,且表现出内控强于外控的倾向。通过与症状自评量表的相关分析发现外控不利于心理健康,过强的内控也不好。内外控都不强的适度控制方式可能是中国文化背景下最理想的心理控制方式。 The purposes of this study are to investigate the psychometric properties of the Chinese edition of Multidimension Multiattribution Causality Scale ( MMCS), and the structure and characteristics of Chinese students' locus of control. An MMCS scale was administered to a total of 4070 undergraduates from a national university and exploratory, confirmatory and second - order factor analysis was employed to analyze the data. The relationship between Locus of Control and mental health ( measured by the SCL-90 scale) was also analyzed. The results showed that the reliability of the Chinese edition MMCS was equivalent to its English counterpart. In confirmatory factor analysis when the negatively -and -positively- worded -item effects were introduced into the model, the four- factor (effort, ability, context, luck) model and the eight -factor (effort, ability, context, luck divided equally into two sections, e.g. achievement and affiliation) model of MMCS had comparatively good fits ( CFI = IFI = . 89, RMSEA and SRMR 〈 . 05). When the eight subscale scores were factor-analyzed, two factors with eigenvalues larger than one were extracted - - four internal scales loaded exclusively on one factor, and four external scales loaded exclusively on the other factor. These results indicate that the internal - external control theory of Rottor is reasonable in Chinese subjects. Further analysis of the data showed that in Chinese subjects the tendency of internal and external control was positively correlated (r = . 31 ). It indicates that in the Chinese internal and external control are not the two extremes of one dimension. They are to some extent inter - connected. The subjects' total scores on internal subscales were higher than those on external ones, indicating the Chinese subjects tend to endorse internal control values. Internal and external control all positively correlated with the SCL -90 subscales (r = . 151 for the internal and r = . 416 for the external). This shows that the more a person is externally controlled, the worse his mental health condition. But too strong an internal control is also harmful to mental health. To conclude, the Chinese edition MMCS shows satisfactory reliability and validity. It is applicable to Chinese culture. In Chinese subjects, there are also internal and external control dimensions in the personality structure. But the dimensions are correlated rather than independent. External control is a better indicator of psychological unhealthiness compared with the internal control. The most a- daptive manner of control in Chinese culture may be the moderate and appropriate control in specific conditions.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1491-1496,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部规划课题(EBA070225) 山东省研究生教育创新计划(SDYC11103) 的资助
关键词 心理控制源 MMCS量表 SCL-90 适度控制方式 locus of control, MMCS, SCL - 90, moderate and appropriate control
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