
大学生的孤独感与自杀意念的关系:来自内隐和外显测量的证据 被引量:38

Relationship Between Loneliness and Suicide Idea in College Students:Evidence from Implicit and Explicit Attitude Test
摘要 目的:探讨大学生群体中孤独感和自杀意念水平,以及两者之间的相互关系。方法:分层随机抽取广东省在校大学生共449名,采用社会和情绪孤独感量表中文版、自杀意念量表、Zung氏抑郁自评量表同时施测,再通过实验法,考察孤独感高低分组的大学生在内隐自杀联结测验(Implicit Suicide Association Test)上得分的差异。结果:孤独感与抑郁(r=0.290,P<0.01)、自杀意念呈显著正相关(r=0.266,P<0.01),层次回归分析表明,控制抑郁水平后,孤独感对自杀意念也有显著的正向预测作用(β=0.262,P<0.001)。高孤独感得分者内隐自杀联结测验中的IAT效应明显高于低孤独感得分者(F=7.58,P<0.01)。结论:自杀的内隐和外显态度具有同一性。除抑郁外,在大学生群体中,孤独感也是预测自杀意念的敏感指标。 Objective: To explore the relationship between loneliness and suicide idea in college students. Methods: A sample of 449 college students completed the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults (SELSA), Suicide Idea Scale, and Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS). 51 subjects were distributed to two groups: High levels of loneliness group (A1 group, n=24), and Low levels of loneliness group(A2 group, n=27). Results: (1)The scores of loneliness had significant positive correlation with scores of suicide idea and SDS at 0.01 levels. (2)Regression analysis showed that the standardized coefficients of loneliness to suicide idea was significant (β=0.200, P〈0.001) even depression was controlled. (3)D scores in the IAT in A1 group were significantly higher than A2 group (P〈0.01). Conclusion: Both implicit association test and explicit measures involved in suicide idea can obtain that loneliness may be a susceptible index for predicting suicide idea except for depression in college students.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期805-808,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 中国人民大学明德学者研究计划(12XNLJ05) 中南大学科学研究基金人文社科杰出青年人才(培育)专项资助(2011RWSK013)
关键词 健康心理学 心理测量学研究 大学生 自杀意念 孤独感 内隐自杀联结测验 Health-psychology Psychometrics College student Loneliness Suicide idea Implicit association test
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