
高中生生命意义寻求与生命意义体验的关系 被引量:32

Relationship Between Search for and Presence of Meaning in Life in High School Students
摘要 目的:在高中生中探讨生命意义寻求和生命意义体验的关系。方法:采用生命意义问卷,对1659名高中生进行横断研究,对84名高中生进行三次追踪测查。结果:同时测量的生命意义寻求和体验之间呈正相关,但是在控制干扰变量后,后测体验只受前测体验的影响,与前测寻求没有关系,后测寻求只受前测寻求的影响,与前测体验也没关系。结论:生命意义寻求和体验具有较高的稳定性,两维度之间不相互影响,而是各自预测本维度的发展。 Objective: To explore the relationship between search for and presence of meaning in life in Chinese high school students. Methods: The Meaning in Life Questionnaire was used in the cross-sectional study(N=1659) and the longitudinal study(N=84, three measurements). Results: There was positive relation between search for and presence of meaning in life only when the two dimensions were measured simultaneously. However, after controlling interference variables, the post-test presence of meaning was predicted only by the pre-test presence,but not significantly related to pro-test search. The post-test search for meaning was predicted only by the pre-test search, but not significantly related to pre-test presence. Conclusion: Search for meaning and presence of meaning are fairly stable over long periods of time. These two variables only affect their own development. Their change is independent of each other over time.
作者 张姝玥 许燕
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期871-873,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"非常规突发事件对公众心理影响规律及心理重建策略"(91024005) 国家社科基金项目"社会变迁中的青年生命意义与生命教育研究"(11XSH023) 广西哲社课题"广西高校稳定问题研究--高校学生自杀危机的预防 预警与干预"(11FSH024) 广西大学科研基金资助项目"中学生学习倦怠的影响因素模型"(XBS100020)
关键词 生命意义寻求 生命意义体验 追踪研究 Search for meaning in life Presence of meaning in life Longitudinal study
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