
英国的1753年《犹太法案》事件 被引量:2

The Event of The Jew Bill of 1753 in Britain
摘要 1753年英国的《犹太法案》旨在给极少数外国犹太人以英国国籍,但这项顺产的法案却随即招来相当严重的政治风波,并很快夭折。这一事件既导致了佩勒姆政府在1754年大选中的失败,同时也促进了英国犹太族群内部的团结和使自身融合于英国的努力。它是对18世纪英国基督教徒犹太观的一次集中验证和展示,是近代英国入籍问题争论链条上的一个重要环节,是18世纪英国各种大众政治运动和社会骚动中的一个显著事例,也是国教徒的民族和政治认同观念在18世纪依然强大到不可撼动的一个突出例证。 The purpose of The Jew Bill of 1753 was naturalizing a small number of foreign Jews in Britain.Although the Bill got passed easily in Parliament,it had brought about serious political disturbances and therefore was repealed very soon.On one hand,the event led to the failure of Pelham government in general election in 1754,on the other hand,it promoted the unity of British Jewry and their efforts in integrating themselves in Britain.And it might be looked on as an intensive verification and display of Christians' views on Jewish people,an important link in the chain of naturalization controversies,a remarkable example of various popular political movements and social disturbances,as well as an outstanding illustration of unshakableness of Anglicans' standpoints concerning national and political identification.
作者 王本立
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期85-96,160,共12页 World History
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"英国犹太社团研究(1815-2005)"的阶段性成果 项目批号为:08JC770016
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