
中英关系变动背景下“费唐报告”的出笼及搁浅 被引量:7

The Publication and Abandonment of the Report of the Hon. Richard Feetham in the Context of Changes in Sino-British Relations
摘要 南京国民政府成立后,外交上继续推动废除治外法权和收回租界交涉,列强承诺逐步放弃在华治外法权,上海公共租界因此面临出路问题,于是聘请南非法官费唐来沪调查,为上海公共租界的未来提出建议。1931年4月起,"费唐报告"陆续发表。报告从历史与现状的角度,论证租界不能立即交还中国政府,应设立一长达几十年的过渡期,待各项条件成熟后再交还。报告出炉后遭到中国坚决反对,英国则反应冷淡,上海公共租界当局也不肯采纳。"费唐报告"的命运折射出国际格局变动背景下中英关系发生的根本性变化。 Following its establishment, the Nanjing Nationalist Government continued diplomatic negotiations aimed at advancing the abolition of extraterritoriality and the recovery of the foreign concessions. The big powers undertook to gradually abandon extraterritoriality in China, but the Shanghai International Settlement faced the problem of finding an exit strategy. In this context, Richard Feetham, a British judge in South Africa, was invited to Shanghai to investigate the situation and make recommendations for the future of the settlement. Feetham’s report, which was published in installments from April 1931, argued that in light of both historical and current conditions, the settlement could not be immediately returned to the Chinese government; rather, a transitional period that could last decades should be put in place, with a view to waiting until conditions were ripe. This report was firmly rejected by the Chinese government and received a cool reception from the British government; nor was it accepted by the Shanghai Municipal Council. The fate of the report reflects the fundamental change in Sino-British relations in the context of changes in the international situation.
作者 王敏
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期83-96,192,共14页 Historical Research
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  • 1Report of the Hon.Richard Feetham to the Shanghai Municipal Council.
  • 2上海租界志编纂委员会编:《上海租界志》,上海:上海社会科学院出版社,2001年,第96页.
  • 3张玲玉的论文《指手画脚:洋夷竟称帝王师--以法权会议报告书及费唐报告为中心》(《法律文化研究》第6辑,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2010年,第452-463页.
  • 4李恩涵著《北伐前后的"革命外交"(1925-1931)》 台北:"中央研究院"近代史研究所,1993年.
  • 5康大寿.近代外人在华“治外法权”释义[J].社会科学研究,2000(2):108-112. 被引量:8
  • 6"Maine Man, One ofLeaders in Shanghai Colony, "The Lewiston Daily Sun ,Jan. 30,1932 ;George F. Nellist,Men of Shanghai and North China, Shanghai: The Oriental Press, 1933, p. 170.
  • 7《上海公共租界工部局总办处关于有关费唐法官的报告》二,档案号U1-6213-2134,上海档案馆藏.
  • 8张静:《中国太平洋国际学会的基本活动及其工作中心的转移(1925-1933)》.
  • 9欧阳军喜.中国太平洋国际学会简史[J].太平洋学报,2010,18(8):96-105. 被引量:9
  • 10Chester H. Rowell, " The Kyoto Con{erence o{ the Institute o{ Paci{ic Relations," International Conciliation, no. 260, May 1930, p. 237.


  • 1《日本其自省一》.《申报》,1931年9月24日.
  • 2陈立廷.太平洋国交讨论会第一次会议.东方杂志,1925,(19).
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  • 5Foreign policy reports (Sept.1,1942),Hoover Institute Archives.Collection title,Joseph W.Ballantine,Box No.2,Accession No.73076-8,37.
  • 6John N.Thomas,The Institute of Pacific Relations,Asian scholars and American politics,p.24.
  • 7《中华民国史事日志》,1943年.
  • 8美国国务院编.《美国与中国之关系》,第41页.
  • 9Edited by Lyman P.Van Slyke,The Chinese Communist Movement,A report of the United States War Department,July 1945,Stanford University Press,1968,p.258.
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