Following its establishment, the Nanjing Nationalist Government continued diplomatic negotiations aimed at advancing the abolition of extraterritoriality and the recovery of the foreign concessions. The big powers undertook to gradually abandon extraterritoriality in China, but the Shanghai International Settlement faced the problem of finding an exit strategy. In this context, Richard Feetham, a British judge in South Africa, was invited to Shanghai to investigate the situation and make recommendations for the future of the settlement. Feetham’s report, which was published in installments from April 1931, argued that in light of both historical and current conditions, the settlement could not be immediately returned to the Chinese government; rather, a transitional period that could last decades should be put in place, with a view to waiting until conditions were ripe. This report was firmly rejected by the Chinese government and received a cool reception from the British government; nor was it accepted by the Shanghai Municipal Council. The fate of the report reflects the fundamental change in Sino-British relations in the context of changes in the international situation.
Historical Research