In this article,we have constructed a simplified dynamic discrete choice model to analyze,within the framework of the maximization of profit,the two-stage decision of firm's export behavior and the effect of the exchange rate.We have,by the means of the specimen data on China's industrial enterprises between 2005 and 2009 and by the use of Heckman selection model,evaluated the general impact of the appreciation of RMB(AORMB) on the export trade and the structural impact.The results of our study indicate that the AORMB has generated significant negative shock to firm's export through extensive margins and intensive margins.Meanwhile,the difference in operation strategy of heteroge neous firms has resulted in the fact that the AORMB can hardly achieve the expected purpose of the survival of the fit test;instead it has interrupted the optimization of the adjustment in the optimization of the structure of the main body of the export trade.The AORMB has,in a certain degree,driven the industry structure of export to develop to a higher phase.However,such positive effects have mainly rooted in the contribution of foreign-funded enterprises,but this pos itive role has restricted the growth space of the local enterprises in the advanced manufacturing industry.Under the cir cumstance of high uncertainty in foreign and domestic economy,in order to guarantee the steady transition of the eco nomic transition,the AORMB should be slowed for the time being,and other more pertinent measures should be adopt ed to drive the upgrade of the export trade and the adjustment of economic structure.
Journal of Management World