

The Relevance of Asian Growth Experiences for Sub-Saharan Africa: An Economics Perspective
摘要 亚洲国家在20世纪后半期开始了高速增长,其经验可能有助于理解撒哈拉以南非洲地区的增长轨迹及其局限性。撒哈拉以南非洲经济体的主要特点通常表现为以初级产品为基础的市场和产品出口结构,该地区的增长更多地受到国际商品价格变动影响而非国内经济改革的推动。撒哈拉以南非洲地区是否出现持续高增长的进程,取决于能否最终抓住机遇并实现结构转型,以及一国内部的实力和公共政策。亚洲国家的增长对撒哈拉以南非洲具有相关性,但由于自身的特殊经济、政治和制度环境,使亚洲经验很难被直接移植到非洲语境中。 Having started their spectacular growth in the second half of the 20th century,the experiences of Asian countries may be useful to the understanding of the growth trajectories and constraints of the Sub-Saharan African region.Sub-Saharan African economies are characterized by primary commodities as the basis of their market and export structure.Growths of economies in this region appear to be more affected by changes in international commodity prices than by domestic economic reforms.Whether or not the rapid growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is a sustainable process ultimately depends on whether or not opportunities are seized and whether structural transformation is realized.It also depends on the strength of the country's internal/domestic and public policies.Growth experiences in the Asian region are relevant for Sub-Saharan Africa.However,the specific economic,political,and institutional environments of Sub-Saharan African countries make it so that Asian experiences cannot be directly translated to African contexts.
出处 《国际政治研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期60-85,共26页 The Journal of International Studies
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