
欧盟国际人格的演进——从《马斯特里赫特条约》到《里斯本条约》 被引量:1

On the Evolution of EU Legal Personality: From the Treaty of Maastricht to the Treaty of Lisbon
摘要 从《马斯特里赫特条约》到《尼斯条约》,虽然欧洲联盟的法律人格从无到有,法律能力也不断增强,但历次条约并没有明确规定欧盟法律人格,也没有对欧盟在国际条约缔约权、经济制裁、外交承认与代表领域的权能范围做出明确规定。《里斯本条约》第47条明确赋予欧盟法律人格,结束了欧盟从《马斯特里赫特条约》到《尼斯条约》以来"身份不明"的历史。条约其他有关条款也从国际条约缔约权、经济制裁、参与国际组织的能力、外交承认和代表,以及国际责任五方面对欧盟法律人格做出具体规定。自此,欧盟对外将"以一个声音说话",欧盟的对外行动将更有效、更透明、更民主,欧盟在国际舞台上的行动将更具一致性和影响力。但《里斯本条约》在欧盟法律人格的规定上还存在有待完善之处,如国际责任的规定不够彻底,共同外交与安全政策领域权能不够明确,欧盟内部机构职能划分不够清楚等。 Article 47 of the Treaty of Lisbon explicitly provides the EU with legal personality,ending the undetermined identity of the EU that existed from the Treaty of Maastricht to the Treaty of Nice.Other articles in the Treaty of Lisbon also prescribed the EU's legal capacity to conclude international agreements,economic sanctions,relations with international organizations and institutions,membership of or participation in international organizations,and international responsibility.Therefore,the EU will be able to speak to the world 'with one voice,' and its external actions will be more efficient,transparent,and democratic.Its external actions will also be increasingly consistent and effective.However,there are still some problems for the Treaty of Lisbon.
作者 周晓明
出处 《国际政治研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期104-121,186,共18页 The Journal of International Studies
  • 相关文献


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  • 2TEU (Lisbon), Article 1, Article 47, http://www, consilium, europa, eu/documents/tmaty--lis- bon? lang = en, 2012-11-25.
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