
基于Web设计的我国985高校体育网站现状 被引量:2

Status Quo of the PE Websites of China’s 985 Project Universities Based on Web Design
摘要 综合运用网络调查法、文献资料法和数理统计法对我国985高校体育网站Web设计现状进行调查。结果显示:我国985高校体育网站Web设计水平偏低。主要表现在导航系统设计可用性偏低,平面设计缺乏美感,文本排版缺乏可读性和易读性,栏目内容过于行政化,缺少以Web用户为中心的设计,内容的原创度较高,但充实度低,扩展性较差。鉴于此,建议储备专业技术人才,建立网站建设团队,实行网站建设的责任制,转变网站设计理念等方面入手,提高我国高校体育网站设计水平。 By the ways of web survey, literature study and statistics, the author made an investigation of the status quo of the web design of the PE websites of the 985 Project universities in China. The result shows that the web design level is low. The usability of navigation design is at a lower level. The graphic design lacks sense of beauty and the typesetting lacks readability and legibility. The contents of the columns are too administrative and lack the web-user-centered design. The originality of the contents is relatively high, but the enrichment is low and the expansibility is unsatisfactory. Therefore, the paper suggests restoring professional talents, forming a website construction team, assuming a responsibility system of website construction and transforming the web design concept so as to improve the design level of the university PE websites in China.
作者 董埙
出处 《体育科研》 2012年第6期93-96,共4页 Sport Science Research
关键词 WEB设计 “985”高校 体育网站 web design 985 Project university PE website
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