Objective To differentiate malignant from benign peripheral pulmonary masses by means of observing blood flow signals in the periphery blood, with colour Doppler flow imaging (CDFI)and pulsed-wave Doppler (PW). Methods Peripheral blood flow signals in 51 cases of peripheral pulmonary masses (18 benign, 33 malignant) were evaluated with CDFI and PW. Results The flow signal detection rates for malignant and benign pulmonary tumors in the peripheral blood flow were 88% and 33% respectively, and there were singificant differences between the two. Degree of periphery blood flow in malignant pulmonary masses was Ⅱ ~Ⅲ,but that in benign masses was 0~ I,and there were significan differences between the two. For benign tumors,RI was 0.47 0.06,PI was 1.18 0.16,PSV was 0.17 0.04m/s,and EDV was 0.07 0.02m/s.For malignant tumors,RI was 0.81 0.12,PSV was 0.29 0.05m/s,and EDV was 0.04 0.01m/s. All four variables were significanly different between the malignant and benign tumors. And RI <0.59, PSV < 0. 25 m/ s was used as the standard for the diagnosis of the malignant pulmonary tumors. Conclusions CDFI and PW are useful in showing vascularity and spectral wave of the peripheral blood flow, and in differentiating malignant from benign lung tumors.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis