
水文模型与GIS二元结构集成方法与实现 被引量:4

Dual-structured hydrological model and GIS integration method and its implementation
摘要 从系统论、解析论两个角度出发,分别剖析水文模型对象与GIS对象二元结构的差异,提出在兼容现有的水文模型与GIS的基础上,以水文模型及其应用需求为主,以GIS为支撑,构建具有相同地理空间、统一数据结构的双对象结构,在双对象结构中引入共享体的概念,解决水文模型对象与GIS对象之间交互效率低的问题,实现了水文模型与GIS更加紧密的集成。 The difference in the objects of hydrological models and a geographic information system(GIS) were analyzed based on systematology and analytics theories.According to the application requirements of hydrological models,hydrology and geography need to be integrated.Based on integration of current hydrological models and the GIS,a new structure with two object entities of hydrology and geography was built with the same geographical space and database.To improve the low interaction efficiency between hydrology and geography objects,a concept of a share structure body was introduced into this double-object entities structure.Then,the integration between hydrological models and the GIS were realized.
出处 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期605-609,共5页 Journal of Hohai University(Natural Sciences)
基金 水利部公益性行业科研专项(201101024) 海洋公益性行业科研专项(200905013-8)
关键词 水文模型 GIS 二元结构共享 复杂地理对象 双对象共享体 hydrological model GIS dual-structure sharing complex geographic object double-object sharing body
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