
血管性痴呆与事件相关电位 被引量:5

Vascular Dementia and Event Related Potential
摘要 目的:探讨血管性痴呆的事件相关电位(P300)特点,及P300用于鉴别血管性痴呆和阿尔茨海默病的可能性。方法:选用听觉。odd ball诱发范式对24例血管性痴呆(VD)、25例阿尔茨海默病(AD)和22例正常老年人(NC)进行P300测试。结果:VD的P300特点为:靶P3潜伏期延长,靶N2潜伏期延长并与认知障碍程度密切相关。VD与AD相比,AD的靶P2及靶P3波幅明显下降。结论:靶N2潜伏期是VD的P300研究中一项重要指标,靶P2、P3波幅在VD与AD的鉴别诊断中有一定意义。 Aim: To study the characteristic of event related potential (P300) in vascular dementia and to evaluate the role of P300 in the differential diagnosis of vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Methods: Odd ball auditory evoked model was used to test the P300 of 24 patients with vascular dementia(VD), 25 patients with Alzheimer's dementia (AD) and 22 normal controls (NC). Results: The characteristic of P300 in VD shows the target P3 potential was prolonged. the target N2 potential was also prolonged and correlated with the extent of dementia. The target P2,P3 amplitudes in AD was greatly de- creased in compare with that in VD. Conclusion: The target N2 potential is a very important item in P300 of VD: the tests of the target P2,P3 amplitudes make sense in the differential diagnosis of VD and AD.
出处 《中国临床神经科学》 2000年第2期96-98,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosciences
关键词 事件相关电位 血管性痴呆 早老性痴呆 event related potential P300 vascular dementia Alzheimer's disease
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