
安全云存储中高效的多关键词查找方案 被引量:9

Efficient Multi-keyword Search over Secure Cloud Storage
摘要 用户在租赁了云服务提供商(Cloud Service Provider,CSP)的存储空间之后,为了保护隐私,通常将文件以密文的形式存储在CSP上。这给在密文数据上进行关键词查找带来了问题。在本应用场景中,CSP被视为潜在攻击者。提出了支持多关键词查找的安全高效的云计算方案。该方案基于二叉排序树结构,在保证用户数据的安全和隐私的前提下,支持授权用户对文件的多关键词查询,让用户可以随时随地享受多关键词查询服务。 To protect users' privacy,data stored in cloud service provider(CSP) usually needs to be encrypted before being sent to CSP.It brings about a problem that how users search files using keywords over encrypted cloud data.In lots of scenarios,CSP is considered as a potential attacker.According to characteristics of cloud computing,we proposed an efficient privacy-preserving approach to support multi-keyword search over encrypted data(short for PPMKS),which is based on binary sort tree for search(short for BSTS).In our PPMKS,authorized users can easily search ciphertext files using multiple keywords,which can make users enjoy the service of multi-keyword search over encrypted data anywhere and anytime.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期158-161,176,共5页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(61073037) 教育部博士点基金(20110162110043)资助
关键词 多关键词查找 二叉排序树 云服务提供商 云存储 Multi-keyword search BSTS CSP Cloud storage
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