
大功率晶体管BUX10的退化试验与特性分析 被引量:3

Characteristic analysis and degration test of high-power transistor BUX10
摘要 大功率晶体管在工作过程中会出现正向电流传输比、饱和压降以及集电极-基极反向击穿电压等参数的退化现象。在此针对BUX10进行试验与特性研究。通过对BUX10进行长时间退化试验得到退化数据,利用Matlab进行常用模型的退化轨迹拟合,通过比较各拟合轨迹的拟合优度,选取拟合最优的退化模型推算出伪失效寿命,然后利用退化试验数据的可靠性分析方法得到产品相应的可靠性信息。 In the process of operation, the high-power transistors occurs the parameter degration phenomena, such as the positive current transmission ratio, saturated pressure drop and collector-base reverse breakdown voltage. This paper focuses on the characteristic experiment and research of BUX10. The degradation data of BUX10 was obtained after a long term de- gration test. Matlab was adopted for the degradation trajectory fitting of common model. In comparison of goodness-of-fit of each fitting trajectory, the optimum degradation model in fitting was selected to calculate the pseudo burn-out life, and then the reliability analysis method of degradation test data was used to gain the corresponding reliability information of products.
作者 周建洪 杜磊
机构地区 辽宁科技大学
出处 《现代电子技术》 2012年第24期153-154,158,共3页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 大功率晶体管 参数退化 退化数据 可靠性评估 high-power transistor parameter degradation degradation datal reliability evaluation
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