Objective This study aimed to explore the influence of various occupational hazards of the health, by investigation of distribution eharacleristics and concentration of various occupalional hazards and occupational health check in cogeneration plant. Methods On-site occupational health investigation of a polyester compound device to identify occupational hazards, according to various occupational hazard in the workplace health effects, on-site detection of concentration and intensity, combined wilh the operations staff 2 years recently the results of a comprehensive occupational health checks were analyzed. Result Results of operations on-site detec- tion of chemical hazards concentration limits were in line with national standards for noise intensity be- yond detection limit requirements; in 2 years recent- ly, the resuhs showed that occupational patients with contraindication were screened oul evely year, while there was a rising number of trends in blood pressure and increase the number of abnormal hmgs funciion. Conclusion Abnormal hearing in workers affected by high noise more obvious, dust, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, ammonia and other occupational hazards for workers exposed may lead to abnormal hmgs function.
Safety Health & Environment
eogeneralion plant
occupational hazard
situation investigation