近年研究发现 ,σ受体是一类非阿片、非多巴胺受体 ,其结构、生理与生化功能和药理学作用尚不十分清楚。许多肿瘤如恶性黑色素瘤、乳癌、前列腺癌、非小细胞肺癌、结肠癌、肾癌以及来自神经组织的肿瘤均含有高密度的 σ受体。因此 ,研制具有高亲和性、高选择性的 σ受体配体已成为分子核医学的热点之一。这不仅可以对 σ受体的生化和生理功能以及药理作用进行研究 ,也可作为 σ受体阳性肿瘤的显像剂甚至治疗剂。
Recent studies indicate that sigma receptors are a class of non opiate, non dopaminergic proteins. The structure, physiological and biochemical functions, and the pharmacological significance of sigma receptors are not completely understood. A wide variety of human tumors, including malignant melanoma, non small cell lung carcinoma,tumors of breast, prostate, colon, kidney, and neural origin contain a high density of sigma receptors. Therefore, the development of high affinity sigma receptor specific radio ligands has become an attractive target.The radio ligands not only can be used to study the physiological and biochemical functions and pharmacology of sigma receptors, but also can be potentially used to image and treat sigma receptor positive tumors.
Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine)
sigma receptor
radio ligand
sigma receptor positive tumors
tumor receptor imaging